Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You’re gonna lose people in your life. And I realize that no matter how much time you spent with them or how much you appreciated them and told them so, it will never seem like enough.
"That's just it, she's everything I'm not. You know, she's my other half. Without her I'm not whole. You know the thing about meeting your other half is you're walking around, you think you're happy, you think you're whole, then you realize you ain't crap without her. Then you can't go back to being just a half 'cause you know what it's like to be whole."
"It's all in the view. That's what I mean about forever, too. For any one of us our forever could end in an hour, or a hundred years from now. You never know for sure, so you'd better make every second count.
if we fall in love because someone makes us laugh, what happens when we no longer find
 them funny? if we fall in love because someone is beautiful what happens when that beauty 
fades? if we fall in love because someone can provide us, what happens when they lose their 
wealth? because love defies all reasons. when you truly love someone, you can't just find a 
reason. you just do.
you know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales, that fantasy of what 
your life would be, white dress, prince charming who would carry you away to a castle on a hill.
 you would lie in bed at night, close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. santa claus,
 the tooth fairy, prince charming, they were so close you could taste them, but eventually you 
grow up. one day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears. most people turn to the 
things and people they can trust. but the thing is, it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely, 
because almost everyone has the smallest bit of hope, that one day, they will open their eyes 
and it will all come true.
don't waste time lingering over all that you could have, should have and would have done. 
don't long for something that has been and always would be out of your reach. just live for the
 days as they come. wake up every morning and smile at the wonderful day that awaits 
and when the opportunity comes knocking at your door, don't ignore it. don't run away. 
pull yourself together, and open the door. let love in.
it was the last time and the first time rolled into one. we screamed and scratched and loved 
each other like it was the last chance we ever would, like we would never let go.we explored every 
inch of each other and marked it as our own.  we whispered of how we loved each other, how 
we would be together. we fell asleep in each others arms, an intricate mess of limbs. time was 
nothing. we were only 17 and we had what some people would never find at all; love.
 the kind of love that makes you reach out for each other when you sleep. the kind of love that
 runs hot and cold because everyday you see that person in a new way. it's the kind of love that
 you know will hurt you in the end, but you still want it. because what's better than love?
how do you know he loves you? it's the way he looks at you, even if you aren't the "prettiest" 
girl in the room. the way he holds you just because. the way he knows that something is wrong,
 yet you don't have to say a single word. the way he looks in your eyes, like you're his whole 
world- the very same way you look at him. it's those moments that pass reminding you that he
 loves you.
There's something about bookshelves that are so beautiful to me. Even if they aren't organized or alphabetized. They hold so much potential, so many options. There are a million options for a way of escape, a way to forget the world around you. That's what's so beautiful about reading, is that those black and white pages absorb you. They bring you in, hook line and sinker, and you come back to your own life feeling rejuvenated, ready for anything because if Scarlett O'Hara can survive the civil war, you can surely survive your family, your friends, and your school. So you may see a bookshelf, disorganized and messy, but I see hope, I see potential, and I see somewhere I want to be. To just run my hands over the binds, flipping through the aged pages, hearing the creaks and flutters. This picture isn't a picture, it's a beautiful thing.

I just think that some things are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic. It's the universe's way of providing contrast, you know? There have to be a few holes in the road. It's how life is.
It’s not just other people we need to forgive. We also need to forgive ourselves. For all the things we didn’t do. All the things we should have done.

this makes me so sad :(
As much as I want to believe everything happens for a reason I find it really hard to do sometimes. People say that good things are meant to come out of the bad events in life, but I don’t understand why someone’s life has to be sacrificed for the price of happiness in the future. I don’t see how that makes anyone happy. This very second, thousands of people in the world are crying over the loss of a loved one. Those are the people who are dealing with real pain. Pain they won’t be able to over come after a few hours of mourning. So please, tell me this. When is happiness going to come back into their life? When will they have a reason to smile again? I know good and bad things happen to everyone, I just want to know why someone has to deal with the bad in order to feel the good?
You want to know what living life to the fullest actually is? It's waking up on a Monday morning with no complaints. It's knowing you always deserve to laugh. It's doing what feels right no matter what. It's doing what you want to, no matter how stupid you look. It's about being yourself, because no one can tell you you're doing it wrong.
To me, 'fearless' is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before. Fearless is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen. Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again... even though every time you've tried before, you've lost. It's fearless to have faith that someday things will change. Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them. I think it's fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else and when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing, I think it's fearless to stop believing them. It's fearless to say 'you're NOT sorry,' and walk away. I think loving someone despite what people think is fearless. I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is fearless. Letting go is fearless. Then, moving on and being alright. That's fearless too. But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charming and happily ever after. That's why I write these songs because I think love is fearless.
- Taylor Swift
We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything. Sometimes the answers we were looking for were hiding just below the surface. Other times, we find answers when we didn't realize we were asking a question. Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we've been looking for, we're still left with a whole helluva lot of questions.
Promise yourself to be strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make optimism come true. Think of only the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long as you're true to the best that is in you.
There is an inner beauty about a
woman who believes in herself, who
knows she is capable of anything she
puts her mind to. there is a beauty
in the strength and determination of
a woman who follows her own path, who
isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way.
There is a beauty about a woman whose
confidence comes from experiences; who knows
she can fall, pick herself up, and go on.
Maybe that's what heaven is.
Maybe we go through life collecting
people and places we love, and they
become our heaven.
You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy.
Somebody who doesn't complicate your life.
Somebody who wont hurt you.
He's the better guy.

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