Friday, November 19, 2010

When a person tells you that you're not good enough, that's when you know you are better.
There are three types of people that you meet. The ones you never should have met, the ones you never should have let go of, and the one that you've been looking for.
Here's to a night where we can dance away our problems and sing away our fears.
Don't tell me nothing matters. Everything matters. I know there is a whole world out there that cares, just hiding behide one that doesn't.
She was the girl that always carried her camera around; trying to find beauty in a world so flawed.
Watch with glittering eyes the world around you. The
greatest secrets are hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.
There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.
If he wasn't right for me, I want to be wrong. If I'm better off without him I'd rather be worse. If he's not my Prince Charming, then I don't want to be Cinderella.
You're the kind of reckless that should send me running, but I kind of know that I won't get far.
You're a book written in ten different languages, all of them beautiful but none of them that I understand.
It's driving on a road you've never seen before, it's the first snow of the season, it's waking up on Christmas morning feeling like a kid again, it's smiling through the tears, it's seeing the trees bloom in spring, it's laying in the grass starring up at the clouds in summer, it's jumping into a pile of leaves in Autumn, it's the rush you get when you're on a roller coaster, only inches from the top, it's running against the wind, it's laughing with your best friend with tears in your eyes. It's saving up money to by something you've always wanted. It's reuniting with an old friend, it's the first, second, and third kiss with someone you love, it's kissing them years later knowing you made the right choice. It's all the mystery and wonder of the world at your fingertips. It's the good life. And it's yours.
I'd rather be standing out in the cold with you than warm in the arms of anyone else.
Turn the lights off in this place; & she shines just like a star.
I don't like standard beauty. There is no beauty without strangeness.

it's not about getting a scholarship, getting drafted, or making sport center. It's a deep need in us that comes from the heart. We need to practice, play, to play, to lift, to hustle, to sweat, to compete. We do it all for our teammates. We don't lift weights with a future olympic wrestler; we lift with a future doctor; we run with a future CEO. It's a bigger part of us than our friends and family can understand. Sometimes we play for 200,000 fans, sometimes for 25. but we still play hard. You cheer for us because you know us. You know more than just our names. Like all of you, we are students first. We don't sign autographs, but we do sign college applications, SAT exams, and student body petitions. When we miss a kick, or strike out, we don't get down an entire state. We only let down our teammates, coaches, and fans. But the hurt in our hearts is the same. We train hard, lift, throw, run, kick, shoot, dribble, swim, and lift some more, and in the morning we go to class. Still the next day in class we are nothing more than students. It's about pride, in ourselves, in our school. It's about our love and passion for the game, and when it's all over, when we talk off that court or field for the last time, our hearts crumble. Those tears are real, but deep down inside, we are very proud of ourselves. We will forever be what few call themselves...high school athletes.
the mini jersey shore!
i love your handshake meeting my father, i love how you walk with your hands in your pockets. how you used to kiss me when i was in the middle of saying something - theres not a day i dont miss those rude interuptions. so ill go, sit on the floor wearing your clothes. all that i know, is i dont know how to be something you miss. i never thought we would have a last kiss, never imagined we would end like this. your name, forever the name on my lips
Right now, at this very moment, all I want to do is sit across from you and talk about life. And when we run out of topics, we could just hold hands because that would be enough. But you're not here and we can't talk face to face because miles separate us. Well, I can smell these flowers you sent, or look at pictures from before, but I can't wrap my around a moment in time. So, I sit and think of what we will do when I finally see you again. All I really want to do is enjoy each other's company and maybe watch a movie or two about falling in love and growing old together. And maybe you and I could fall in love and grow old together, too.
There should be a stamp that all girls carry. It should read 'douche bag' or 'player.' That way, when we run into one of those types of guys, we can just stamp their forehead, thereby labeling them as a warning for the rest of all female-kind. Ya know?
I feel like I'm standing in the center of a snow globe, that some seven year old kid will not stop shaking. I feel like everything around me is going 105 miles an hour and I'm just stuck standing in the middle of traffic.
She wouldn't care if you called her and woke her up just to talk at two in the morning. She loves arguing, and she's good at it. Scary movies make her paranoid and she hates when people don't call her back. She envies every couple she sees walking around showing their happiness. She only wants to be happy and lately, all she thinks about is you.
Brew me a cup for a winter's night.
For the wind howls loud and the furies fight;
Spice it with love and stir it with care,
And I'll toast our bright eyes,
my sweetheart fair.
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.
It's there. I know it is. Because when I look at you, I can feel it.
average doesn't look so good when
you realize it's the worst of the best
and best of the the worst.
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."
People are gonna change and you have to have faith in them to always be the person you knew before. Because in the end, everyone comes home.
A million feelings, a thousand thoughts, hundreds of memories, all for one person.
when youre faced with two choices, flip a coin. it works not only because it settles the question for you, but because in that short moment when the coin is in the air…you suddenly know what youre hoping for.

Truth is, how many people these days are actually happy with everything about themselves. From their face to their body to their personality. We always think something about us could be better; could be improved. we would look better and feel better if we could change our flaws. Sure some people want to have that perfect body, clear skin, unique talents, and other stuff. but, why do you want to be so damn perfect? Do you think more people will like you if you were so perfect? Do you think you will find love if everything about you was perfect? Get better grades? Live a better life? Why can’t’ you just live your life and be happy and proud of who you are. If you’re not, then start accepting who you really are. Be unique, be happy, be YOU.
Rumors. Gotta love them all. I find out stuff about me that I didn’t even know.

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