Monday, November 22, 2010

   just promise me youll think of me every time you look up in the sky and see a star cause im a space bound rocket ship and your hearts the moon, and im aiming right at you.
cause my heart is beating fast and you are beautiful. i could wait patiently, but i really wish you would drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. cause i see sparks fly whenever you smile
sometimes its better to be clueless about whats happening around you, than to know every bit of information that would silently kill you.
sometimes, you just feel everything and nothing all at once, sometimes youll find yourself smiling while missing something at the same time. at times youll absolutely love a person, all the while wanting to hate them. life comes without guarantees except that smile will brighten your face, laughing will enhance your eyes, and falling in love will change your life. forever.
the important thing is not to be bitter over lifes disappointments. learn to let go of the past. and recognize that every day wont be sunny, and when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair, remember its only in the black of night you see the stars. and those stars will lead you back home. so dont be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, cause most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. maybe youll get everything you wish for. maybe youll get more than you ever could have imagined. who knows where life will take you. the road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination.
were making out inside crashed cars, were sleeping through all our memories. i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive, now i only waste my time dreaming of you.
suddenly the world seems such a perfect place, suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace, suddenly my life doesnt seem such a waste, it all revolves around you.
i guess what scares me the most is knowing that at any moment, you could rip my heart out of my chest, tear it in pieces, throw it on the ground, then stomp all over it.. and id just pick it up, and hand it back to you.
i think thats what i find most strange about this world -- nobody ever says how they feel. they hurt, but they dont cry out. theyre happy, but they dont dance or jump around. and theyre angry but they hardly ever scream. because they feel ashamed. nothings worse than that. so we all walk around with our heads looking down and never look up and see how beautiful the sky is.
i do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death. i will not conduct myself in a certain way to gain approval from others. i have no regrets, and especially no apologies.
someday, youre going to meet someone that drives you mad; who youre going to fight with and laugh with and do insane things for; someone who turns your life upside down.
remember last summer we use to spend hours doing the dumbest stuff best friends you and me i wish i could talk to you like we use to, we have grown so apart and now lead completely seperate lives, i just want to let you know i'm still here for you. forever.
when breathing just passes the time until we all just get old and die now talkings just a waste of breath and livings just a waste of death.
my heartbeat was louder than the sound of my steps to your door. youre cold, but youre beautiful. youre a mess, but i like it that way. if youre always looking for reasons not to be with someone, you find them. but at some point, you just have to let go and give your heart what it deserves.
if we could sit together a moment and talk forever just to pass the time, i would smile as the shivers and chills run down my spine, with your eyes locked on mine.
and please know that i love you more today than i ever have before. i cant promise you forever but i can promise today with the hope and belief that there is a be beautiful tomorrow in store for us.
so you see, this world doesnt matter to me. ill give up all i have just to breathe the same air as you till the day that i die. i cant take my eyes off of you.
its strange cause, in ways, we are all just faces in a crowd, beating hearts, and then we are dead. and all that ever matters is who and what we loved, and that they loved us.
your my something you are my everything your the one that makes me feel alive you end my suffering you end my misery your the one that makes me feel alive.
hey, it would be fine if you want to come over at 9. we can lay on the floor and watch a movie that we've already seen. or we can talk and touch with the radio on. well wait for awhile, till they play our song.
forgive me for being so blunt, but id really like your lips on mine. and forgive me for thinking this, but your arms around my waist could be nice. and uhm, just one more thing. your pretty gorgeous.
"lifes greatest tragedy is not that it will someday end, but that most only live to follow directions and sometimes we end up totally lost."
im going to marry you someday. so make sure you plan your life accordingly.
The best boyfriend you'll have isn't the best looking, the funniest or richest. It's the one who makes you feel gorgeous, hilarious & like a million dollars. He makes sure you know he loves you.
I want to wear your baseball hat, sit next to you at our high school football game, and have your arms wrapped around me, knowing that nothing can take this feeling away.
everything here is so outdated. i wanna move west to where the sun is shining. i want my friends to all be there. let's pack up and move to california... let the sunshine take us there.
I am a product of my past, living proof of surviving the present, and a symbol of hope for the inevitable future.
You will always be a part of my life. A happy memory, a good laugh, a tear or two. I won't forget you.
i'm reading your note over again
there's not a word that i can't comprehend
except when you signed it
"i will love you always & forever"
I will always love you, and as long as there are stars above
you, you never need to doubt it. I'll make you so sure about
it; God knows what I'd be without you.
the world was made round so that if two people
who are meant to be together should choose to take
different paths in life, they would wrap around and
end up right back to each other to meet again.

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