Tuesday, May 24, 2011

and all of it came down to one thing, love, or the lack of it. the chances we take, knowing no better, to fall or to stand back and hold ourselves in, protecting our hearts with the tightest grips.

I'm never letting this one go. Because certain people enter our lives at the most peculiar times, for the most beautiful reasons. They seem to make such perfect impressions while leaving behind an everlasting impact. Some of the best things in life appear when you least expect them. Things you can never forget.

it's actually pretty amazing when you love life. it's something you look forward to and, suddenly, who you are and who your friends are doesn't really matter. it's what you do that makes the time special.

i was mid-laugh when you called. just reading your name from my phone stunned me so fiercely that for two seconds, i truly couldn't breathe. and from my sudden silence, all of my friends could tell that it was you.

she doesnt care if you call her & wake her up in the middle of the night. she hates arguing, but you know shes good at it. shes terrified of the dark, but when she thinks of you, she smiles. she laughs at your jokes, even if they're dumb. she loves the way you look at her, & she wouldnt change that for the world.

if you just hold on, just find the courage to face another day, someone will find you and make it all okay, because we all need a little help sometimes - someone who will help us hear the music in their world to remind us that it won't always be this way.

Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. you have to know that you are a good person and a good friend. what is meant to be will end up good if what is not, wont. relationships are worth fighting for, but sometimes you cant be the only one fighting. at times people need to fight for you. if they don't, you must move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willling to give you. hopefully people realize great things when they come around and don't lose something real. And always fight until you cant anymore and then be fought for.

We live in a society that says to be individuals, but they still promote uniformity. A society that puts a mask over you if they feel you serve as a problem. We live under a government that controls us through fear. A government that's not looking out for what's best of us, but what's best for them. Our coworkers, classmates, friends, family have stopped caring about each other, and simply started to care about the size of their bank account and the amount of people that know their name. It doesn't matter who we have in our life anymore, but what. We measure a man not by his courage, or his perseverance, but by the size of his house and the cost of his car. Status is not gained by good deeds, it is gained by stepping over whoever you please to climb to the top. You tell me you're different, but you have to realize... we're all the same.

We loved each other. We still do love each other, & always will. But we just couldn’t seem to get it together. We finally got to that point of “enough is enough.” And it was.

Laying under a blanket, cuddling close to you, feeling your breath on my skin, taking every sense that you have within. Your lips touch my shoulder, kissing me so sweet, making my heart skip every other beat. Don't give up, it's only the beginning. Nice guys always end up winning.

The couple that fights the most is the one most in love. It shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fix it. When you stop fighting it means you stopped caring.

Love and electricity are one in the same. My dear if you do not feel the jolt in your soul every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, and touch is felt, then you’re not really in love at all.

a person who truly loves you will not let you go.
no matter how hard the situation is.

some love stories aren't epic novels. some are short stories.
but that doesn't make them any less filled with love.

Having someone think of me that way was
like discovering a new window in the room
I've lived in all my life.

I want hearts to keep believing that tomorrow
will be more beautiful than today. I want people to believe
that fairy tales and happy ever afters can be lived outside
of just movies. So write your own story on the backdrop
of life and give it a happy ending. . .
which is no ending at all.

We must let go of the life we
planned so we can have the life
that is waiting for us.

next time you’re stressed, take a step back, inhale and laugh.
remember who you are and why you’re here. you’re never given
anything in this world that you can’t handle. be strong, be
flexible, love yourself, and love others. always remember,
just keep moving forward.

he was never in my vocabulary
until one day… he became the only word I know.

never bend your head,
always hold it high - look
at the world straight in the eye.

it's funny how once you find a song that explains exactly how
you feel, you listen to the song over and over again wishing
you could scream the lyrics to the very person who made you
love the song in the first place.

perfect would be - cuddled up on the couch
with you, watching finding nemo. and you
telling me that you'll always come find me.

there's a difference between love and like,
wrong and right. never run if you're not ready to step,
and never forgive if you're not ready to forget.

There isn't much better in this
life than finding a way to spend a
few hours in conversation with people
you respect and love. You have to
carve this time out of your life because
you aren't really living without it.

Someone is waiting, someone who understands exactly how
you feel. Someone is dreaming; someone is hoping just that
this will be the day that you take your eyes off the ground,
out of the blue and see that someone is looking back at you.

Why are some girls so naive? Sweetie, he didn't unbutton your blouse to get a better view of your heart.

You're a teenager. You are far from perfect, yet beautiful. You're going to mess up. You're going to change. You're going to lose friends. You're going to gain friends. You're going to keep friends. You're going to learn who your true friends are. You're going to hate your You're gonna have days where you want to scream until your head explodes. You're gonna feel heartbroken. You're gonna feel dead. Then there are the times you feel so alive. You are absolutely beautiful through all of this. And even though being a teenager is seriously the biggest thing we all have to overcome, we can make it through these years with a smile Just promise me you'll try. Because you're beautiful. And believe it or not, you are worth something. You're worth the world.

I’m the kind of girl who is quiet in large groups or around people I don’t know; you only see the real me if we’re close. I smile and laugh a lot, especially at the most inappropriate times. I’m a hopeless romantic. I trip over air, up stairs, and over people’s feet. I am the hardest person to offend, but it is all too easy to make me feel horrible. I hate telling people about my problems; they don’t need to worry about me. I’m the one who listens to other people’s problems. I believe people should not be judged before one takes the time to get to know them, yet I am guilty of doing that exact thing. I love to think rather than talk. I’m awkward, clumsy, shy, strange… but this is me. Take it or leave it.

We all think we're going to be great. And we feel a little bit robbed when our expectations aren't met. But sometimes, our expectations sell us short. Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You gotta wonder why we cling to our expectations because the expected is just what keeps us steady, standing, still. The expected's just the beginning. The unexpected is what changes our lives.

I don’t want a boy to kiss the ground that I walk on, I don’t need all that. I don’t want a boy to treat me like I’m a princess; none of that shit is real. I just want a boy that’s honest and knows how to be faithful to me. Someone who understands who I am. Some one who understands where I come from. Someone who understands how I feel... someone who understands me.

When I walk by the two of you together, it seems your voice gets louder, your smile gets bigger and you hold her even tighter. It's as if you want to prove a point, you want to show me you are happy. Well I'll let you know something, your point is proven, you've achieved your goal. Because if it's sorrow you want me to be in, don't worry, you took care of that a long time ago.

She is a dreamer. And a wisher. She can't give up no matter how much sense it would make. She can't just turn her back on everything that has made her happy. She can't and she won't.

Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller with every mistake.

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably won't lead you anywhere.

There is an infinite, thrumming, unseen web that joins everything. Everything is
connected to everything else. But this fact is nearly impossible for us to grasp
because we are just mollusks, shut up tight at the bottom of a dark, cold ocean,
trying to make sense of stars that we cannot even see.

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

to go heaven for the climate; go to hell for the company

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I
want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.

Love does not have to be fireworks, or butterflies. sometimes, love comes softly and
slowly. love in its own time, invading your heart

my middle finger gets a boner when i think of you.

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