Saturday, April 9, 2011

Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there’s a tomorrow. Maybe for you there’s one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it. But for some of us there’s only today. And the truth is, you never really know.
We spend the majority of our time searching for what’s wrong in this world, feeling sorry for ourselves, and judging others when we have no room to judge. Everyone in this world has their own story, their own past, their own reasons for why they are the way they are. So maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Maybe the key to this life isn’t how “popular” we are, how much money we make, or what God we praise, but simply touching the lives of others around us. Making a difference. That’s what life should be about. Accepting people for who they are, going out of our way to help others, and loving with our whole heart. Sometimes all it takes is one nice gesture to turn someone’s world around. To put a smile on their face. To make them feel less alone. That is what we should live for because when you’re gone from this world, you can’t take anything with you. All that’s left of you are the people who’s lives you touched, and the difference you made while you were here on earth. So make this life count, because you don’t get a second chance.

People are going to want you, need you, exceed you, take you, beat you, love you, hate you, play you, rate you and break you, but never let any of them make you.
I really can't picture anyone having a crush on me. I can’t picture someone thinking about me before they fall asleep, or telling their friends about me. I can’t picture anyone getting butterflies because I said hi to them, or even just smiled at them. I can’t picture someone smiling at the computer screen or their cell phones when we’re talking. I mean like…Why would they even do that? I’m just me. Nothing extraordinary, or special.
My thoughts tend to sound better in books I didn't write, and in the songs I didn’t sing. Even then, sometimes there is no piece of literature, no song, no work of art that can really explain the way you feel. There is a double-edge comfort in knowing that no one really knows.

If I could get drunk off people's stupidity and high off the drama in this town, I'd be one twisted mother fucker.
When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible," with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, & we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes & sizes &manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing & failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin & cannot end, & so it cannot fail. 
We are all original. Every life experience is case sensitive and unique. Every time you wake up or go to the bathroom or quote someone else, you are becoming more you than anyone has ever been.
Guys, it's simple. Treat your girl how you would want your dad to treat your mom,
your future brother in law to treat your sister, and your future son in law to treat your daughter :)
the hardest part about walking away from someone
is the part where you have to realize that no matter
how slow you go, that someone will never run after you.
i'm done. i'm done revolving my life around someone
who doesn't care. if you ever need me, i'll be here.
but this time, you will come to me.
i need a boy to give me a good hug
and say "i'm sorry my gender sucks."
i'm so tired of having to be the bigger person
in situations where i really shouldn't have to be.
dreams are always crushing when they don't come true.
but it's the simple dreams that are often the most painful
because they seem so personal, so reasonable, so attainable.
your always close enough to touch, but never close enough
to hold, and it's enough to break your heart .
"I figure life is a gift, and I don't intend on wasting it. You never
know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you."
I hope that someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight, and that's all they do. They don't pull away. They don't look at your face. They don't try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it
Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it because you can't know. You can't ever really know the meaning of your life. And you don't need to. Just know that your life has a meaning. Every life has a meaning, whether it lasts one hundred years or one hundred seconds. Every life, and every death, changes the world in its own way. Gandhi knew this. He knew his life would mean something to someone, somewhere, somehow. And he knew with as much certainty that he could never know that meaning. He understood that enjoying life should be of much greater concern then understanding it. And so do I. You can't know. So don't take it for granted, but don't take it too seriously. Don't postpone what you want. Don't leave anything misunderstood. Make sure the people you care about know. Make sure they know how you really feel, because just like that. It could end. 
Promise yourself to be strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long, as you are true to the best that is in you
have you ever thought that if one thing hadn't happened,
a whole set of things never would have either.? like dominoes
in time, a single event kicked off, an unstoppable series that
gained momentum & spun out of control, & nothing was ever
the same again. don't ever doubt that a mare second can change
your life forever.
Sometimes we're too into the moment to look at
the big picture. We fail to see things in perspective
because we're too absorbed in what's taking place
at that very instance. The thing is we should face
reality. Find ourselves from being lost in the moment
and think about everything the way that it is. Because
sometimes being realistic can save us from pain and
I knew who I was this morning, but I've
changed a couple of times since then.
- Alice In Wonderland
Let me tell you this: If you meet a loner, no matter
what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy
solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into
the world before, and people continue to disappoint
Don't be scared to put it all on the line, to risk it
all. Because after all, it's only when you have lost
it all, that you are free to do anything, be anyone
If you want to succeed in your life, remember this
phrase: The past does not equal the future. Because
you failed yesterday, or all day today, or a
moment ago, or for the last six months, the last sixteen years,
or the last fifty years of life, doesn’t mean anything…
All that matters is, What are you going to do, right now?
And the faster you realize that; the better. You may
not be as important to that one person, but there is
no doubt someone else who thinks the actual world
of you. You are loved. You are important. You are
beautiful. You are worth everything, everything and
anything. Don’t ever let anyone else tell you anything
different. You are enough.

You can't upload love, you can't download time,
you can't Google all of life's answers. You must
actually live some of your life.
We shouldn't wait until we're older to change the
world. We're the ones with the ideas, the energy,
& the passion to really make a difference right now.
I'm not afraid to try again, I'm just
afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.
You must realize that something is happening to
you, that life has not forgotten you; that it holds
you in its hand and will not let you fall.
Better than I was, more than I am, and all of this
happened, by taking your hand, and who I am now,
is who I wanted to be, and now that we're together,
I'm stronger than ever, I'm happy and free.
Life isn't like the stories we read. We can't stop
when we get bored, we can't go back and relive
some parts, we can't jump ahead and miss some
parts, and we can't switch to a new life.
Is anybody satisfied with who they really are? You
could be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.
You should never give yourself a chance to fall apart.
Because when you do, it becomes a tendency. And
it happens over and over again. You must practice
staying strong instead.
People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle
and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness
sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is
light from within
Just tell me you feel the same. That we're falling apart. Then tell me, go on and tell me that you don't
want to lose me. Because I don't want to lose you.
We're so far from each other and all I want is to
be within your reach again. I want what we don't
have anymore. I still want you.
This is for the ones that didn't quite get that happy
ending they were so sure they had. For those who
had the world, the ones so carelessly left behind,
broken, forgotten, replaced. This is for the girls waiting
on something, anything more than what they have
been left with. Someone to hold, something to love,
a reason to live. This is for you.
People's lives change. To keep all your old friends is like
keeping all your old clothes. Pretty soon, your closet is so
jammed and everything's so crushed and you can't find
anything to wear. Help these friends when they need you,
bless the years and happy times when you meant a lot to
each other, but try not to feel guilty if new people mean
more to you now.
Love and death are two uninvited guests. Nobody
knows when they come, but both do the same work.
One takes the heart, and the other takes its beat.
Along the way, I've learned that you can't let anyone in too
far and you can't trust endlessly. The biggest mistake you
can make is to care or love someone more than yourself,
because then you are just setting yourself up for
disappointment. Boundaries are necessary so that you can
protect yourself, because once you're broken, you'll never
be fully fixed.
There's something about bookshelves that are so beautiful
to me. Even if they aren't organized or alphabetized. They
hold so much potential, so many options. There are a million
options for a way of escape, a way to forget the world around
you. That's what's so beautiful about reading, is that those
black and white pages absorb you. They bring you in, hook line
and sinker. And you come back to your own life feeling rejuvenated,
ready for anything. Because if Scarlett O'Hara can survive the
civil war, you can surely survive your family, your friends, and
your school. So you may see a bookshelf, disorganized and messy.
But I see hope, I see potential, and I see somewhere I want to
be. To just run my hands over the binds, flipping through the aged
pages, hearing the creaks and flutters. This picture isn't a picture,
it's a beautiful thing.
This was her life. Not the life she had once dreamed
of, not a life her younger self would ever have imagined
or desired, but the life she was living, with all its
complexities. This was her life, built with care and attention,
and it was good.

If God were leaving you a text message,
I think it would say: "Enjoy yourself."
She's got eyes of innocence, the face of an angel,
a personality of a dreamer, and a smile that hides
more pain than you can imagine.
A woman brought you into this world,
so you have no right to disrespect one.
there is much in the world to make us afraid.
there is much more in our faith to make us unafraid.

the number one reason why people give up
so fast is because they tend to look at how far they
still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten.
the number one reason why people give up
so fast is because they tend to look at how far they
still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten.
What I can remember is a lot like water trickling down a page of the most beautiful colors. I can't quite put my finger down on the moment that I became like this. You see, I'm the bravest girl you'll ever come to meet yet I shrink down to nothing at the thought of someone really seeing me. I think my heart is wrapped around and tangled up in winding weeds but I don't want to go on living being so afraid of showing someone else my imperfections and even though my hands are shaking and every word I say comes stumbling, I'll bare it all. Watch me unfold.
We're all strangers connected by what we reveal, what we share, what we take away... our stories. I guess that's what I love about books. They are thin strands of humanity that tether us to one another for a small bit of time, that makes us feel less alone or even more comfortable with our aloneness, if need be.
The unreal is more powerful than the real. Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on. If you can change the way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. You can change the way people live their lives. That's the only lasting thing you can create.
I want out of the labels. I don't want my whole life crammed into a single word. A story. I want to find something else, unknowable, some place to be that's not on the map. A real adventure.'
A spinx. A mystery. A blank. Unknown. Undefined.
The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards.
god forbid you be an ugly girl.
but being too pretty is also your doom…
because everybody harbors a secret hatred
for the prettiest girl in the room.
Faith is taking the first step;
even though you can’t see the whole staircase.
distance between two hearts is not
an obstacle, rather a great reminder
of just how strong true love can be.
sometimes I still stare at you,
amazed and absolutely enchanted.
and even though I've held your gaze
a thousand times, when you turn to
me and give me that silly grin of
yours, you still make me blush.
peace is not something you wish for.
it's something you make, something you do,
something you are, something you give away.
I wanna be the girl who makes your bad days better; the
one that makes you say "my life has changed since I met her".

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