Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My life has its flaws, but it's the only one I got. I'm going to hold my head high, look on the bright side, and smile even when I want to cry; because I'm not letting anyone or anything bring me down.
It's a pain that you can't fix. It's not like an insecurity on your face, or your body that you can get rid of with surgery. It's not like a broken heart from a boy. But it's a hole in my heart that will be forever empty, because of two people who didn't really love each other, but pretended to. And although I hide it, it kills me. Every second of every day. I can't push it to the back of my mind like I used to. My smiles aren't fake. I'm happy. But I'm not okay.
How to Move On? Just CTRL + ALT + DEL. 'Control' yourself,
Look for an 'Alternative' solution and 'Delete'
the situation that hurts you.
pay no attention to those who talk behind your back for it only means you're two steps ahead of them.
It sucks when you miss that person so much that you look through old photos, old text messages, even old statuses. And it brings a smile to your face, but then the hurt comes back and you know you shouldn't be looking back, but you can't help it because they really meant something to you and you thought it would have lasted.
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful,
to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make
some difference that you have lived and lived well.
It's not until you've been in love then lost love, that you
realize its not the sunset, the candles, the fire, the soft
blanket, or the romantic music that makes those
moments so warm and satisfying, its the man that
was sitting beside you.
The ones depressed don't dress in black. The ones who believe they're fat don't announce it. The ones scared don't scream. The ones struggling don't show their scars. The ones hurting the most are the ones hidden.
He may not be your boyfriend, your high school sweetheart, or your soul mate. But all that matters is your together now. Who knows what the future holds. Who cares what the past brought. Now is now, and you have to love when you can.
Keep this in mind, one day, there's going to be a guy who's going to love you, your body, your smile, the way you walk, the way you talk, he's going to love you. And you're going to feel confident and on top of the world. One day, you won't feel insecure because you have someone who loves you for who you are. And I think that's when you know its love. When instead of feeling like you have to hide your flaws, and feel insecure and embarrassed, you feel unashamed, free, secure, safe, proud, happy, and confident. You feel loved.
I love those kind of nights that turn out unexpectedly good, great, and sometimes just all out amazing just because you didn’t really expect anything to happen at all. If only we could live just like that - with no expectations in mind. It’s possible we’d be much happier, with more memorable moments that would last us a lifetime.
there are answers that are better than death. Believe me. There are people that love you. I love you, for crying out loud. There are people who would be a wreck if you were gone. There is a reason we are all on this Earth, I promise you, even if you don’t see it now. And if you’re feeling alone, know that the world can be a lonely place but it would be lonelier without you in it.
Sometimes I wish I could trade places with a boy, just for a day. I could just ignore the drama, the judgments, the "girl problems", the mood swings, and most of all the heartache. I could chill with the boys and not have a care in the world. Guys on the other hand could see how it feels to be called terrible names, and what it feels like to see the boy you adore with another girl. Honestly I don't think a boy could survive in the life of a girl.
We drive tonight and you are by my side, we're talking about our lives like we've known each other forever. Time flies by with the sound of your voice, it's close to paradise with the end surely near. And if I could only stop the car, I would hold you and never let go.
Someday your prince will come. Mine just got lost and was too stupid to ask for directions.
I'm a sucker for sweet talkers. The ones that treat me right. The ones that call me randomly or just to say goodnight. The ones that pull my hair back loosely behind my ears. The ones that challenge me and make me face my fears.
If I dress up like a total slut, will you notice me? It sure works for her.
If you re-arrange the letters in "male" you'll get "lame."
All you need in this world is a dirty mind and someone to share it with.
Mr. Owl, how many guys will it take to get to the center of my broken heart?
Rock paper scissors. I understand how scissors can beat paper, and I get how a rock can beat scissors, but there's no fucking way paper can beat rock, is paper supposed to magically wrap around rock and leave it immobile? Why the hell can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody. A rock would tear that shit up in 2 seconds. Why I play rock, paper, scissors, I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, "oh shit I'm sorry. I thought paper would protect you, you asshole."
And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.
+ Lady Gaga
I knew from our very first kiss, that it doesn't get much better than this.
Yeah, you might be prettier than me, and have more friends than me. And you might hang out with hotter guys than me, and get fucked up more than me. Have more clothes and money than me, and not give a fuck about school, unlike me. You might be carefree, unlike me. But one day, you're going to wish you stayed true to who you were, like me. Because you'll have nothing, except memories of fake ass friends who don't even talk to you anymore. So don't talk shit about me or my lifestyle, because one day, you're going to wish it was yours.
Shut up slut; the only test you can pass is the pregnancy one.
Love is like a puzzle. No matter how hard you try, you can never fit the wrong pieces.
Screw the people that don't understand.
Class is dead, darling, it died with the dinosaurs. It traded it's pears and white wine for a Facebook and Corona. Welcome to the 21st century, would you like fries with that?
Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is mess up your mind and steal your happiness.
You are never given the ability to wish without given the ability to make it come true.
-Mickey Mouse
You never seem to understand why I like you so much. You ask all the time and I can never fully explain why. It’s just- I guess it’s because you have this way of making me love myself like no one else ever could. Hell, you have a way of caring like no one else ever could. That alone, is enough to make me feel like I can conquer the world, as long as you are by my side.
“Darling” you said, “You’re a train wreck.”

“Sweetheart” I answered, “Train wrecks always make the front pages.”
She’s a summer girl. She likes things simple & she hates drama. She wishes that she could wear flip-flops year round & she hates being cold. She’s moody during the winter because things are usually falling apart. But then summer comes, it always does & she realizes that she has true friends, & that nothing can beat those summer days & nights that are spent with the waves crashing & the sand between her toes
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere.
I believe in karma. What you give is what you get returned. I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned. I believe the grass is greener on the other side. I believe you don't know what you've got until you have to say goodbye. But the struggles make you stronger and the changes make you wise and happiness has it’s own way of taking it’s sweet time. Life isn’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride.
twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. so throw off the bowlines. sail away from the safe harbor. catch the trade winds in your sails. explore. dream. Discover
If you were happy with the wrong one, just think how happy you will be when the right one comes.
Don’t waste your time looking back on what you’ve lost. Life is not meant to be traveled backwards.
The people in 1911 probably thought in 2011 we would have flying cars and robots... but no. So far we've come up with backward robes and rubber bands shaped like animals.
That's the problem with us, we're too much alike. We're stubborn asses and always want to get our own way. We both hate to be wrong and love to be right. But that's the thing about love. No matter what happens, we always come back for each other one more time.
The bad news, life flies by. The good news, you´re the pilot.
Falling is the first step to success.
Crying in the first step to
and heart break is the first step to true love.
I can tell you a lot about her. She's someone with a huge heart. She will bend over backwards and fold herself in half helping out someone if she can do anything. Her loyalty to the ones that mean something to her is unheard of now a days. She smiles like she's never been hurt, and if you didn't know her you wouldn't ever imagine her to ever be hurt. But it happens, a lot more than anyone realizes. She's really fragile, and it takes very little for her to be hurt, she takes everything to heart. I'm not surprised though if you don't know a lot though, because she's really cautious and her letting someone close to her is a rare thing to happen. There are demons inside her that she's constantly in a fight with. And she's a lot worse to herself then anything else that could be said to her. Her past is not one of her favorite subjects. She wouldn't expect anyone to notice her or to listen to the things she has to say that aren't necessary to be said. But I'm telling you, she's so worth it all, she's nothing you'd ever expect and you'll feel alive in a way you never have with her in your life.
Some people are like clouds.
When they disappear, it's a brighter day.
I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains, hope that doesn’t
ever end, even when the sky is falling. And I’ve seen miracles
just happen, silent prayers get answered, and broken hearts
become brand new. That’s what faith can do.
He hurt me. More than that, he broke my heart. But I wouldn't
give up any of the memories for the world. The happiest times
of my life were with him. He's the reason that I have hope.
Because of him, I know that I am capable of love, and that
smiles will eventually start to come naturally again.
Each of us get a little bit stronger. Each of us represents a
star in Heaven. Sometimes we shine with the rest, sometimes
we twinkle alone and sometimes, when we least expect
it, we make someone else's dreams come true.
"Someday, this beach might wash away…the oceans
may dry…the sun could dim but on that day, I’ll still be
loving you. Always and forever. I promise you."
Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater.
Give her sperm, she will give you a baby. Give her a
house, she will give you a home. Give her groceries,
she will give you a meal. Give her a smile, she will give
you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what she is
given. So if you give her crap, be ready to receive a
ton of shit.
I don’t want a fairytale ending with you. I want to be
there to help you face your fears and to help you
overcome your failures. I want to give you the kind of
love that’s not distorted and fabricated, but
real, raw
and honest
. You’re not perfect, and neither am I.
But, when we’re together I can believe that things
will always fall into place.
Some people have to close their eyes to dream.
With you, I only have to open mine.
I ask myself why, and in that same breath, as
I watch you, I get my answer. It's everything about
you; it's that teasing smile, that warm scent. It's
the curve of your arms, the tousle of your hair,
and the ring of your voice. It's just everything about
you. But more than that, it's everything about me.
It's everything about the way you make me laugh
cry, smile, and hurt. It's everything about the way
you make me feel. And that's everything that I
cannot, and would not, want to let go of.
A million feelings, a thousand thoughts,
hundreds of memories, all for one person.
If I could have three wishes, I wouldn't wish for the
stars, the moon or the riches and this life, but for
twenty five hours a day, eight days a week and
thirteen months a year to spend more time with you.
When God leads you to the edge of a cliff,
trust in him and let go because only 1 of 2
things will happen: 1. He'll catch you or 2.
He'll teach you how to fly.
Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in
Santa Clause. Believe in others. Believe in yourself.
Believe in your dreams. Because if you don't,
who will?
God made the world round so we would
never be able to see too far down the road.

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