Saturday, August 20, 2011

You wanna see pretty? Look in a magazine. You wanna see beautiful? Look in the mirror.
Relationships are like glass, sometimes it's better to leave them broken then to hurt yourself trying to put it back together.
What do you call a man who only talks about girls making sandwiches? Single.
Some things have to end I guess, we learned that from our story books. And maybe this time you didn't get your prince, but theres enough paper and pens in this world for your happily ever after to work out right eventually.
No matter how carefully you choose your words, they’ll always end up being twisted by others.
I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know
how to be alone and not be defined by another person.
The bottom line is, life is about learning, whether
you’re in school or not. We are human. We make
mistakes. But your lowest moment might also be
the one where you begin to rise, and rise. So double
back. Regroup. Brush yourself off, and try again.
Being a real man doesn't mean you sleep
with 100 girls. It means you fight for one
girl even when 99 others are chasing you.
I want a guy who will take me to concerts
and let me gawk over all the lead singers.
But still know I love him best <3
Hugging is good medicine.
It transfers energy and gives the person hugged
an emotional lift. You need four hugs a day for
survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for
growth. Scientists say that hugging is a form of
communication because it can say things you don’t
have words for. And the nicest thing about a hug is
that you usally can’t give one without getting one.
speak less to the people you love the most
'cause if they can't understand your silence,
they can never understand your words.
Life was mostly made up of things you couldn’t
control, full of surprises, and they weren’t always
good. Life wasn’t what you made it.
You were what life made you.
Happiness is not found at the end of the road,
it is experienced along the way. So take not for
granted each moment of your life and you will
find a reason to be happy each day.
I want to stare into your eyes and never look away.
I want you to hold me in your arms and tell me it's okay.
I want to kiss with a passion that only we can share,
and when it all falls down I want you to be there.
Friends are like wedgies. They're intimately close.
They know you're inner self. And it feels great when you pick out a good one.
Light can be defined without sun.
Sweetness can be defined without honey.
Fragrance can be defined without a rose,
but beauty cannot be defined without you.
Happiness is falling asleep next to
you and waking up thinking I'm still in my dreams.
A friend is someone who accepts your past,
supports your present and encourages your future.
A kiss is just a kiss till you find the one you love.
A hug is just a hug till you find the one you're always
thinking of. A dream is just a dream till it comes true.
Love was just a word until I heard it from you.
You don't need money or luxuries to fullfill your dreams.
It's the people around you.and how much faith you have
in you. Never make a mistake and think your life is over,
just step all over that problem and continue walking.
Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job,
making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.
I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are
so powerful it's as if some force beyond your
control is guiding you to someone who can make
you happy beyond your wildest dreams.
i wish people had personal stoplights,
sending mixed signals should be illegal.
Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
Happiness often sneaks in through
a door you didn't know you left open.
no one could actually say that you deserve better,
cause the best thing you deserve, will always be your choice.
My heart loves you with all of it's might,
I surrender my fears and no longer put
up a fight. Now I see that WE is more
important than ME in this life.
I want something random, indescribable, beautiful, and unexpected.
I want to be caught off guard and swept impossibly too high off my feet.
fairytales are more than true.
not because they tell us dragons
exists, but because they tell us
that dragons can be defeated.
to understand the heart and mind or a person,
don't look at what they have achieved, look
at what they hope and dream to achieve. Life is
about moving forward, making dreams come true.
it is impossible to live without failing, unless
you live so cautiously that you might as well not
have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.
it is funny how you do not miss
affection until it is given, but once it is,
it can never be enough;
you would drown in it if possible.
there's no need to rush. if something's meant to be, it'll happen.
in the right time, with the right person, and for the best reason.
-- wiz khalifa
stop having set "qualifications" for a boyfriend.
being a lover is not a job, and you’re not hiring
a employee. and yes, they will make mistakes.
yes, they will be different from what you expected.
they're human, and they have no idea what they
are doing. but they love you, and they love every
minute of you. so please, give them a chance.
Ever notice how 'What the hell' is always the right answer?"
- Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Just because other people say he's not the best bet for you doesn't mean you have to think twice to being with him. Be with him because he makes you happy, not because you want others to be happy for you.
Make one person happy each day, even if it's yourself.
Wish on everything. Pink cars are good, especially old ones. And stars of course, bright stars and shooting stars. Planes will do if they are the first light in the sky and look like stars. Wish in tunnels, holding your breath and lifting your feet off the ground. Birthday candles. Dandelions. Ocean waves.
My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelry, whichever you prefer.
There's no need to rush. If something's meant to be, it'll happen. In the right time, with the right person, and for the best reason.
I am willing to put myself through anything; temporary pain or discomfort means nothing to me as long as I can see that the experience will take me to a new level. I am interested in the unknown, and the only path to the unknown is through breaking barriers, an often painful process.
There comes a time when the world gets quiet, and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise, you'll never understand what it's saying.
So many people are trying to find the right person instead of being the right person.
I don't know what I want to do with my life, I just know I want to do it. I want to see my world. I want to meet every single person breathing on this earth. I want to give everyone a hug or a handshake and I want to make someone's life a little easier. I want to be different than the people I know because that's what makes us beautiful. I want to be absolutely ridiculous before I die. I don't want regrets. I want to stand for something.
There's no point in leaving if you have every intention of coming back.
I believe being alone means you’re free. That old lovers miss you and new lovers want you and the one you’re with is the one you’re meant to be with. That everything you want to happen, will happen. If you decide you want it enough. That every time you think a sad thought, you can think a happy one instead.
There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest, your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.

I know what its like when memories make you wince, and love letters read like obituaries, and photo albums are books of the dead.
watched as you sat with a cigarette in your hand, holding a drink with the other, trying to drown all your pain. And I believe in you.
As we rounded the corner to your house, you turned to me and said, "I'll be going through withdrawal of you from this one night we have spent."
When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don’t blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and arguments. That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding.
I think about the hands I’ve held, the places I’ve seen, that vast lands whose dirt is caked on the bottom of my shoes. The world has changed me.
don't ever break for someone, who would never bend for you.
Try it. You don't have to do it ever again if you don't want to. But try it once. Try everything once.
"Life is a popularity contest, but you can't get an A for effort. It's more trouble
than it's worth. Live it your own way, happiness is what you make it."
smart girls open their minds, easy girls open their legs, and foolish girls open their hearts.
she's got eyes of innocence, the face of an angel, a personality of
a dreamer, and a smile that hides more pain than you can imagine.
We are young, we run free. Stay up late. we don’t sleep.
got our friends, got the night, we'll be alright
once in a lifetime you meet a person that takes your breath away,
and it's not because you want them to, it's because they're meant to.
Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, loosing and
finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from
the past and realizing people always change & love never lasts forever.
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in
your future, and accepts you today, just the way you are.
We are making this summer unforgettable. We are going to take chances and do
things we wouldn't normally do. Be outgoing, have fun and never second guess ourselves.
Every day is going to be spent doing what we wanna do, and every night were
gonna go to bed smiling because this summer. This summer is to us.
People who make us happy, are never the people you expect.
The question isn't who's going to let me ;
it's who's going to stop me .
Maybe we should all decide we're going to meet
the man of our dreams when we're 37 . Then, we'll
stop squeezing into tight shirts & walking around half
naked & analyzing every encounter as future husband
material . We'll stop feeling the need to put on
make-up to take out the trash just in case he's walking
by . Maybe we should just assume that we'll meet our
dream man at some future point & stop driving ourselves
crazy before then .
If you are depressed then you're living in the past.
If you are anxious then you're living in the future.
If you are at peace then you're living in the present.
Tell a girl she's beautiful & she will believe it for a
moment. Tell a girl she is worthless & she will believe
it for the rest of her life.
I've got a question for all of you "baby fathers" out there.
If you don't want to make her a wife, why make her a mother?
It was one of those times you feel a sense of loss, even though
you didn't have something in the first place. I guess that's what
disappointment is, a sense of loss for something you never had.
One day you're going to miss my facebook comments,
you're going to miss my pointless texts & my missed
calls. & one day, you're going to miss me chasing you.
People are funny . They spend money they haven't earned ,
to buy things they don't need , to impress people they don't like .
-Will Smith
Some people , no matter how old they get ,
never lose their beauty . They merely move it
from their faces to their hearts .
I found out that when you want to know the
truth about someone , that someone is
probably the last person you should ask .
Honey , I don't hate you . I'm just confused on
why your mother didn't swallow you & save us
all the trouble .
 Treat a man as he is , & he will remain as he is .
Treat a man as he could be , & he will become what
he should be .
They say "you're only as sick as your
secrets" & I think that's true . What you
keep inside , destroys you .
It's better to wait years for someone
you are sure of than to grab that chance
with someone who picks you up but
drops you whenever he wants to .
When you're different , sometimes
you don't see the millions of people who
accept you for what you are . All you
notice is the person who doesn't .
The worst feeling in the world is
not being able to make the person
who makes you happiest , equally
as happy .
Being a ten cent hoe doesn't make you
a dime .
Some women choose to follow men ,
& some women choose to follow their
dreams . If you're wondering which way
to go , remember that your career will
never wake up & tell you that it doesn't
love you anymore .
the end of one adventure is also the beginning of the next. history
becomes legend, and dreams become reality.
His lips tell me that he's afraid of what people will say, but his eyes they show me that he's fearless.
affection isn't measured when both takes care of each other. It is measured when one ignores, and other still continues to care.
And you know what? Last night, I realized something. It's not
that I want you to hold me; it's that I want you to reach for me.
The world is a cruel place to be, but it's even more
cold and cruel if you never really did what you wanted.
All we have is what's between hello and goodbye.
Don't be ashamed to say, what you aren't ashamed to think.
Have the courage to fail big and stick around.
Make them wonder why you're still smiling.
Being happy doesn`t mean things are perfect,
it just means you`ve decided to look past the imperfections.
Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can there
will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.
There's nothing wrong in showing you care for someone.
What's wrong is expecting him to do the same.
You know why it's hard to be happy? It's because we
refuse to let go of the things that make us sad.
When guys don't make the first move. I mean, are you serious? Since
when do the eggs swim to the sperm? Yeah, exactly. Man the fuck up.
Look like a girl, act like a lady.
Think like a man, work like a boss.
Here's a toast. To the good days, the best of friends. The ones that you just can't live without. The people that have taught you how to party.How to live. How to have a good time just sitting around. Here are to the people that no matter how bad things seem, are going to be there for you.To lean back on and catch you if you fall.
Truth is, I get jealous easily becasue what's mine is mine. I'm stubbornas hell, I say sorry too much. I act like I don't give a fuck because I care too much. I over analyze the smallest of things and  probably come off as a bitch to simply guard myself.

The girl who puts up with all your bullshit and drama, the girl who risk getting in trouble just for you, the girl who gives up time for her own friends just to be with you, the girl who cries every tear when you're mad at her. The girl who stays with you after all that has happened, the girl who stayed strong with you, she's a keeper.

In the darkness, I see the way the breeze floats over my skin. I see every grain of sane pressing into my back beneath the blanket. The crackling sparks of the fire, sputtering and fading around us. The music drifting into my ears and into my heart from from a cluster of people farther down the beach... playing guitars and singing and laughing. And I see the ocean, the sounds of the waves rushing up against the shore, only to fall back down again- a never ending race.
 This is where you can find your soul if you dare. When you can touch that part of you that you've never dared look at before. Do not come here and ask me to show you how to draw a face. Ask me to help you find the wind.
 Oh, there are so many lives. How we wish we could live the concurrently instead of one by one by one. We could select the best pieces of each, stringing them together like a strand of pearls. But that's not how it works. A human life is a beautiful mess.
awh, what happened ?
did you wish for a dick and become one instead.
 Here's to the strong; thanks to the brave.
Don't give up hope, some people change.
Against all odds, against the grain,
love finds a way, some people change.
People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used.
The reason why the world is in chaos is because
things are being loved and people are being used.
 everyone has someone who
challenges them & makes them shoot
for something just beyond their reach.
 you complete me. Really, you do. 
You can make me smile even when I’m in my worst mood. 
It’s only in your arms that I forget all my troubles and 
I have complete happiness. And you’re the 
only one who can fill that gap in my heart, the space 
that has come to know you… 
that place that knows you’re the only one for me, 
that gap that will accept no one but you.
 Goodbyes make you think. They make you 
realize what you've had, what you've lost, 
and what you've taken for granted.
 Rapunzel tells us one thing about love, 
climbing the highest tower becomes less difficult 
if someone at the end gives you reason to hold on.
 Boy you lookin like you like what you see,
won't you come over and check up on it,
'mma let you work up on it.
You'd be in great shape if you ran like your mouth.
Maybe it's not about the happy ending,
maybe it's about the story.
 Never go back to an old love, because it's like
reading a book over and over again when
you already know how it ends.
This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don't like something, change it. If you're
looking for the love of your life, stop; they will
be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, all emotions are beautiful
Life is simple. Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
Life is about the people you meet and the things you create
with them. Live your dream and share your passion.
As we grow older together, as we continue to change with age,
there is one thing that will never change...
I will always keep falling in love with you.
I used to think you took my breath away
but now I
realize I was being suffocated by your bullshit.

Always dress like you're going to see your worst enemy.
You can be happy tomorrow. You can be happy when
you get through your list of things to do. You can be happy
when you meet the one. You can be happy when you get the
right job. You can be happy when you get that raise. You can be
happy when you stop buying the things you need and start
buying the things yo want. You can be happy when you retire.
You can be happy when the weather suits you. You can be
happy on a plane. You can be happy in the rain. Or you can
stop reading this, take a deep breath, and be happy right now.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
but I'm holding you closer than most, cause you are my heaven.
Goodbye's hurt the most when people leave without saying them.
After all is said and done, I still think you're amazing.
I still cherish every moment I spent with you.
Every smile you brought to my face.
I'll be forever thankful someone like you was
brought into my life, even if you had to be taken
away to soon. You see, you were my miracle.
You were the fairytale I got to live.
"Sometimes," said Pooh, "the smallest things
take up the most room in our heart.
You only have one life to do whatever you want with.
In 100 years, nobody will remember the stupid
mistakes you made. So make a fool of yourself
while you still have the chance, because if you spend all
your life trying to be the coolest kid around,
you will never be happy with yourself.
Cause I'm your shotgun girl, along for the ride.
Your dashboard drummer on a saturday night.
So throw one arm around me now, honey.
We'll sling that gravel just like Bonnie and Clyde.
I'll ride with you all around the world.
I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place,
when they can fly all over the earth.
Then I ask myself the same question.
Judging people by appearance is a huge mistake,
because what we see is only what they are choosing to show.
“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, 
there is something you must always remember: 
You are braver than you believe, 
stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 
But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you.”
Eventually, to someone, I'll be perfect. My messiness and immaturity, emotions and temper will be everything he needs.
I think she was afraid to love sometimes. 
I think it scared her. She was the type to like things that were concrete, 
like the ocean. Something you could point to and know what it is.
 I think that's why she always struggled with God. 
And I think that's why she also struggled with love. She couldn't touch it. 
She couldn't hold on to it and make sure it never changed. But sometimes it's those things 
you can't touch that you need to hold on to the most.
Don't be so damn hard on yourself. 
Yeah, you screwed up. You're not perfect, fine. 
Learn from it. But don't punish yourself. Be kind to you, even when you screw up. 
You'll bounce back eventually. You'll make up for it.
Set your alarm. Get up bright and early. 
Pull on a baggy top and jogging bottoms. 
Go outside, no matter what the weather. Walk for ten minutes.
 Skip for five. Jog for five minutes. Then turn around and walk back. Nice and early with no one around. 
Then get back home again. Cut yourself some fruit. Apples, oranges, mangoes. All in. 
Add a little yogurt for a healthy start to the day. Go and pour yourself some water. Fresh water, ice cold. 
Refreshing. Go to the bathroom. Turn on the shower. Wash your hair with nice smelling shampoo and matching conditioner.
 Wash yourself with body lotion. Come out of the shower. Dry yourself all over. 
Slather yourself in body butter. You smell nice, clean, innocent, pure. Put something nice on. A pair of jeans, a top. 
Your favourite bra and pants. Towel dry your hair, leaving it damp to dry naturally.
 All natural. Go to the mirror. Look at what you see. Don’t like it? Pick out three things that your love. 
Your beautiful eyes, your shiny hair, your tinted cheeks. Go downstairs, ignore the kitchen. 
You’ve already had breakfast. Get a glass of water. Paint your nails. Read a book. Go for a walk. Call your friends. 
Spend some time with your family. Spend some time outside. You know this will be a beautiful day. 
The sun might not be shining, but you are. This day will be perfect. This day will be the most perfect day you’ve had so far. 
No binging, no purging, no crying, no cutting, no hating. Only loving and laughing and living. You can do this.
Someday I’d love to have no secrets. None at all. 
I’d tell my deepest secrets to somebody, anybody, and start fresh. 
I’d never keep a secret again because that’s really what tears us apart; untold secrets that we keep hiding. 
One day I’ll let go of all my secrets and fears.
I was amazed that they had so much to talk about. 
From the second they saw each other, there was constant laughing and sarcasm and commentary, s
omething connecting them that pulled taut or fell limp with each thought spoken. 
Their words, like the music, had the potential to be endless.
Two of the hardest tests in life: The patience to wait for the right moment and the courage
 to accept that you've waited for nothing.
You think woman are the only ones that dream of fairy tales? 
Here's a hint - ask yourself who wrote them. I assure you, it wasn't just the women. 
It's the great male fantasy; all it takes is one dance to know that she's the one.
 All it takes is the sound of her song from the tower, or a look at her sleeping face. 
And right away you know - this is the girl in your head, sleeping or dancing or singing in front of you. 
Yes, girls want their princes, but boys want their princesses just as much.
 And they don't want a very long courtships. They want to know immediately.
Men are self confident because they grow up 
identifying themselves with super heroes, women are self conscious 
because they grow up comparing themselves to barbie.
Twinkle, twinkle little whore. Close your legs they're not a door.
Curvy women are real women. 
Skinny women are real women. Women who have boob jobs or lip enhancements
 or liposuction are still real women. Size 0 may make no sense mathematically,
 but a woman who wears that size is as real as one who wears a size 16. 
What makes us "real" people is not the shape of our flesh but our basic humanity. 
And we lose our humanity when we judge -
 not when we lose weight, gain weight, or make the intensely personal decision 
to undergo cosmetic surgery.
Bitch please, i can remove 90% of your "beauty" with a wet Kleenex.
Sometimes God pushes us to our limits. 
It's because he has greater faith in us than we have in ourselves.
I hate when a shower only has two options - 3rd degree burns or skinny dipping in Antarctica.
Society's standards are fucked.
 If you're reserved and quiet, you're emo. If you're open and expressive, 
you're attention hungry. If you're a virgin by 16, you're doing something wrong. 
If you lose it by 16, you're a whore. If you don't compliment yourself,
 your begging for compliments. If you do compliment yourself, you're full of yourself. 
If you're unique, you're weird. If you're "normal," you're boring. 
It's hard to find yourself in a world so centered around perfection, 
when in reality, imperfection is what defines us.
Show some gratitude and leave the attitude.
Look at you. You're young.
 And you're scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. 
Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring what other people think. 
Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. 
Play it loud as fuck and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget 
that you have school the next day. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. 
Take risks, this life is yours. When are you going to realize that you 
can do whatever you want?
“Mom, listen, I haven’t been together with Topanga for 22 years, but we have been together for 16.
 That’s a lot longer than most couples have been together. I mean, when we were born, you told me that we 
used to take walks in our strollers together around the block. When we were two, we were best friends. 
I mean, I knew everything about this girl. I knew her favorite color, her favorite food. 
Then we became six, Eric made fun of me because it wasn’t cool to have a best friend that was a girl or 
even know a girl. So for the next seven years I threw dirt at her. I like to call those “the lost years”. 
Then when I was thirteen, mom, she put me up against my locker and she kissed me. I mean, she gave me 
my first kiss. She taught me how to dance. She always was talking about these crazy things and I
 never understood a word she said. All I understood was that she was the girl I sat up every 
night thinking about, and when I’m with her, I feel happy to be alive. Like I can do anything. 
Even talk to you like this. So that’s, that’s what i think is love, mom.. When I’m better because she’s here.”
Of course I'll miss hearing you say "I love you" and I'll miss holding your hand, 
but do you know what I'm going to miss the most? I'm going to miss the little, 
silly things that you do. I'll miss the bad accents you try to make and I'll miss 
you randomly making fart noises on my belly. I'll miss turning my head to find you making 
the most adorable kissy face at me and I'll miss listening to you sing loudly in your car.
 I'll miss watching kiddy shows with you and I'll miss you pretending to be a rock star. 
I'll miss the perfect crunching sound you make when you eat potato chips and I'll miss 
laughing at you when you put on my bra or my cropped jacket. I'll miss that outrageous
 laugh of yours and I'll miss watching you play ridiculous online sex games when you're bored.
 I'll miss these things most of all, because they are the things that will remind me that no 
matter what I do, where I go, or how hard I try to move on, I'm never going to find 
another you, not in a million years, not even in a billion years.
Que sera sera, whatever will be will be.
Before you kiss me: Grab my waist, pull me closer to your body, 
look into my eyes, look at my lips while biting your lip, look back into my eyes again, 
grab my face gently, then slowly lean in and kiss me, it'll drive me crazy I promise.
Nine year olds are swearing, ten year olds have boyfriends/girlfriends,
 eleven year olds are kissing, twelve year olds are giving oral, 
thirteen year olds are getting their heart broken, fourteen year olds aren't virgins, 
fifteen year olds are wasted, sixteen year olds are doing drugs, 
seventeen year olds are pregnant, eighteen year olds are emotional wrecks and commit suicide. 
Our generations' problem? We all tried growing up too fast.
The best relationship is when you two can act like lovers and best friends.
 It’s when you have more playful moments than serious moments. 
It’s when you can joke around, have unexpected hugs, and random kisses. 
It’s when you two give each other that specific stare and just smile.
 It’s when you rather chill inside to watch movies, eat junk food, 
and cuddle than go out all the time. It’s when you’ll stay up 
all night just to settle your arguments and problems. 
It’s when you can completely act yourself and they can still love you for who you are.