Monday, July 11, 2011

It's just so hard to wait around for something that you're
not even sure is actually going to happen. But you can't seem
to give up when you know it's everything you've wanted.
There is always one person you love who becomes that definition.
It usually happens retrospectively, but it happens eventually. This
is the person who unknowingly sets that template for what you will
always love about other people. The person who defines your
understanding of love. They're often the first person who you seem
to fall in love with. But that person still wins. They win and you lose.
Because for the rest of your life, they will control how you feel.
This is love. It's written on my face. It's the way I lean my body
towards you, even when you're a thousand miles away.
If we are perfect for each other & we are meant to be, we will be with each other.
We will go back to the good times when nothing else mattered except us. We will
be with each other. Maybe not now, or tomorrow, or the next day. But later we
will be with each other. I can promise you that.
I miss your soft lips, I miss your white sheets
I miss the scratch of your unshaved face on my cheek
And this is so hard 'cuz I didn't see
That you were the love of my life and it kills me.
The other night i sat in my closet, i had on your big sweatshirt that you never
gave to anyone else except me, i was blasting our song, and i was screaming.I wasn't crying, i couldn't cry anymore, i just screamed. Because everything
that i had and that i needed was leaving me. Even tho you promised you
would never leave me.
You aren't the shit, you're just a piece of shit.
Darling, I hate to ruin this because we both know that it's almost flawless. But those beautiful nights don't last forever and a beautiful world will never exist.
Love is rolling over in the middle of the night to kiss your loved one on the forehead, just to make sure it isn't a dream.
Turn up the radio and sing your lungs out, cause kid, this is it, and this is all it will ever be. So get used to it, suck it up, and live your life.
We live the life of an unfinished novel, still waiting to be written. depending on how long we live, the longer the chapters. Depending on how interesting we are, the more we appeal to others. We're often judge by our covers. Sometimes, some people decide to just quit reading us. We're just forgotten until someone finds us. our characters can develop throughout the novel, but our chapters can never be edited.
Turn on the shower, lock the door, fall upon the tile and cry once more, grab a towel, dampen the sounds, don't let a soul hear that you're breaking down.
Anything less than real, passionate, extraordinary love is a waste of time. There are too many dull things in life and love should not be one of them.
I've got a mind boggling, sense numbing, heart pounding, stomach flipping, take my breath away, head over feels, knee shaking, daydreaming, butterfly fluttering crush on you.
Everyone's heartbroken nowadays, but I mean, we all just gotta move on. What's the point of reminiscing when you know the person is no long worthwhile, when they're no longer who they used to be? When their heart is somewhere else? Do you think they still care for you, still sit there thinking about you? Because frankly, they don't.
I don't want to end up making promises that I have no intention of keeping and I don't want to end up saying things that I don't really feel.
-Boy Meets World
Faith isn't faith until it's all your holding onto.
Heart racing, blood pumping. I guess this is how this feels. Palm sweating, stomach flipping. Who knew it was this dramatic? Light headed, butterflies. Now I know what love is.
Only in America can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance, are there handicap parking spots in front of a skating rink, do drugstores make the sick walk to the back of a store to get a prescription and healthy people buy cigarettes at the front, do people order double cheese burgers, large fries, and a DIET coke, do the banks leave their doors open and then chain their pens to the counters, and do people buy hot dogs in sets of ten but buns in packages of eight. Only in America.
So go ahead and talk behind my back. Turn it all around and make this my fault. After all, what are friends for?
A smile is the one curve that sets everything straight.
& can you take a moment, promise me this? that you'll stand by me forever,
but if god forbid, fate should step in & force us into a goodbye. if you have
children someday, when they point to the pictures, please tell them my
name. tell them how the crowds went wild. tell them how i hope they shine.
long live the walls we crashed through, i had the time of my life with you.
I want to believe in it all again - in art, fate & love. And I want
to believe that I've make the right choices & that I'm on the right
path & there's still time to fix the mistakes I've made. And I guess
I want hope.
We were amazing together. You were the only one who ever treated me right. The
way you told me everyday how beautiful i was and how strong i was. How you got
clean for me. How you loved my family and how i loved yours. We had it all right in
front of us. But you said i changed and that i need to find myself again because the real
me isn't here. But you said once i find me again to come back to you. The real me is
with you, I need you back to find me again.
If ever there is a tomorrow when we are not together there is something
you must always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger
than you seem, and smarter than you think, but the most important thing
is even if we are apart, I will always be with you.
The only thing that spreads quicker than her rumors are her legs.
No matter what happens I'll make it. If I'm not happy I'll fake it. I've been through backstabbers, boys and lies. I got a whole list of bitches I despise. So, if you got my trust don't lose it. If you got my love don't abuse it.
Girls want a lot of things from one guy. And guys want one thing from a lot of girls.
If they could love like you and me, imagine what the world could be.
I miss the sound of your voice & I miss the rush of your skin & I miss
the still of the silence, as you breathe out and I breathe in.
The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.
And above all, watch with glittering eyes, the whole world around
you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most
unlikely places. Those who don't believe in
magic will never find it.
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others
without getting a few drops on yourself.
So don't worry your pretty little mind,
people throw rocks at things that shine.
And life makes love look hard.
The stakes are high, the water's rough,
but this love is ours.
Follow your heart and be true to yourself. Never live the life
of another. You have to create your own road.
You have a responsibility to be the best you can possibly
be. So keep your mind and heart open to the high aspects
of your being. And you will harness the power to have
a loving and fulfilling life with attitude.