Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I hope you’re having an incredible day because the truth is, so many lifeless people put worthless days behind them and I just don’t want you to miss out on what’s happening in the world. I don’t want you to wake up and think your life is already over. Go out and live.
BAMF SYNDROME : A syndrome in which people are too awesome to care. They drink awesome shooters. Listen to awesome music. And then just sit around and soak up each other's awesomeness.
The unreal is more powerful than the real. Because nothing is perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only the intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on. If you can change the way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. You can change the way people live their lives. That's the only lasting thing you can create.
Remember when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given.
I'm fucking over doing nothing. I hate poverty. I want want world peace, no violence, no fighting, no discrimination. I hate how often powerful people abuse their power and only do things which benefit themselves. I hate "mainstream people". I hate people who find a new problem to whine about each and every single day, when really compared to the about 1.4 billion people worldwide who live on $1.25 or less a day, their problems are nothing. I hate that originality is dead and no one seems to have their own opinion anymore, and even if they do they won't express their views or act on them. Life is not difficult or hard, but we insist on making it.
When life makes you deal with mean and hateful people, just think of them as sandpaper ; They may scratch you and rub you in the wrong way but eventually you will be polished and smooth and they will be worn and ugly.
"All of you people, there is a big world out there... bigger than prom, bigger than high school and it won't matter if you were the prom queen, the quarterback of the football team, or the biggest nerd in school. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it"
Walking through the halls of high school is quite similar to walking into a new world. You are never sure what you will discover lying around the end. Everyone seems to be thinner, taller, prettier, and more beautiful than you. They all seem to be having the time of their lives, despite the educational setting. They all seem to have the most friends and the most people to hello to as they walk through the halls, while you sit alone at the lunch table. But you know, life isn't what it seems. Most of those people just surround themselves with so many others because they are too scared to be alone. Without those people, they would be nothing. That is how they feel. They could be the type of people who would always smile, despite the fact that they are suffering are dying inside, and you wouldn't know. They could be dealing with a tough family, tough friendships, tough relationships, depression, anxiety issues, eating disorders, anything, and you wouldn't know. They hurt, just like you. They notice the imperfections, in their own faces whenever they look in the mirror, even though your eyes cannot see them, even though you think they may have the perfect body and the perfect life. They notice how the girl or the boy next to them is taller and thinner or more handsome and well-built, even though you think anyone would kill to be them. What if you are the perfect person in someone elses's eyes, while they feel just like you do? Don't feel different by yourself. Sometimes, it's what you don't see that makes us more alike than you'll ever know.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
The most selfish 1 letter word: I. Avoid it. The most satisfying 2 letter word: WE. Use it. The most poisonous 3 letter word: EGO. Kill it. The most used 4 letter word: LOVE. Value it. The most pleasing 5 letter word: SMILE. Keep it. The fastest 6 letter word: RUMOUR. Ignore it. The hardest 7 letter word: SUCCESS. Achieve it. The most enviable 8 letter word: JEALOUSY. Distance it. The most powerful 9 letter word: KNOWLEDGE. Acquire it. The most essential 10 letter word: CONFIDENCE. Trust it.
Life is full of secrets and lies, so when you get screwed over, don't act surprised.
You have to get hurt. That’s how you learn. The strongest people out there, the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile, those are the people who have fought the toughest battles. Because they’ve decided that they’re not going to let anything hold them down, they’re showing the world who’s the boss.
Our love story will be the greatest one ever told. But we will tell it to no one. Some things are best kept secret, like the way our lips touched without direction. The way our hands linked like they were molded to each other. The way our hearts beat rapidly against our skin when my body was on yours, nervous and seemingly out of sync.
Don’t let your ears witness what your eyes didn’t see, don’t let your mouth speak what your heart doesn’t feel.
You know, the right guy won’t get you to change. He won’t subtly pressure you. He won’t tell you who you can and can’t talk to. he won’t hide the fact that you’re hanging out. He’s not gonna tell you you’re wrong for feeling; for being a girl. The right guy will show you off to his friends. He’ll take it as slow as you want. He’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with. He’ll take you out to places, even if it’s just a fast food place or the store. He’ll actually sit through your stupid girly disney movies with you because he just wants to be with you. The right guy will come along someday, you just gotta tough it out and wait for him. But whatever you do, don’t settle for the wrong guy. You deserve so much more.
You should never forget about the past, everything happens for a reason. instead, learn from the past, learn from your mistakes, and learn from every experience in life. never forget those that have changed you either for the good or the bad because they have made you who you are. always remember that life is meant to be tough, to challenge you, and to make you stronger.
I never used to be jealous, but then I started loving you. Now I’m jealous of just about every girl that you talk to, smile at, or even wave at. It’s all because in those seconds when you look into their eyes, I’m not on your mind.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Looking back, I remember every moment where he made me feel on top of the world. I was the world, not only that, I was the sun, the moon, the sky, and all the stars in it. In those moments, I was infinite, I was everything, I was his.
I couldn't help picturing the poor fish with a hook in its mouth. Some people argue that fishes can't feel pain, but of course they can. Studies have proven it. Just because you can't see the agony doesn't mean it isn't there
.As we sat there facing each other, I saw me and you, sitting hand in hand underneath the brilliant rays of sunshine, and I could still feel your fingers laced in mine. Your warmth never left me, I can still hear your breathing. You're still everything to me, and I know you still feel it too.
"What about little microphones? What if everyone swallowed them, and they played the sounds of our hearts through little speakers, which could be in the pouches of our overalls? When you skateboarded down the street at night you could hear everyone’s heartbeat, and they could hear yours, sort of like sonar. One weird thing is, I wonder if everyone’s hearts would start to beat at the same time, like how women who live together have their menstrual periods at the same time, which I know about, but don’t really want to know about. That would be so weird, except that the place in the hospital where babies are born would sound like a crystal chandelier in a houseboat, because the babies wouldn’t have had time to match up their heartbeats yet. And at the finish line at the end of the New York City Marathon, it would sound like war."
Here comes that sun again that means another day without you my friend and it hurts me to have to look into the mirror at myself and it hurts me even more to have to be with somebody else and it's so hard to do and so easy to say but sometimes you have to walk away. With so many people to love in my life, why do I worry about one? We've tried our good bye so many different days. They say if you love someone you've got to set them free, but I'd rather be locked to you, than live in this pain and misery. They say that time will make this all go away but it is time that has taken our tomorrows, and turned them into yesterdays and once again that rising sun is dropping on down and once again, you my friend are no where to be found.
Heros are the ones who were in the right place at the
right time and made the decision not many would choose.
You can never make the same mistake twice.
The second time you make it, it’s no longer a mistake, it’s a choice.
I'm sorry things went so downhill. We were so sure things
were going to be amazing and spectacular, but now I'm
starting to see everything I didn't want to believe.
I'm sorry I stopped loving you. I'm sorry you did, too.
Maybe things aren't meant to be. I'm going to miss you,
but it's time we hold our heads high, bite our lips and
get over each other. I think it's the best way. Maybe
we'll find someone better. Then again, maybe we won't.
be happy, in a world like this, it's all you got.
make sure your tears are washing something away.
i'm sorry sometimes i get a little jealous, thinking that
someone else could make you happier than i could.
i guess it's my insecurities acting up. because i know
that i'm not the prettiest, smartest or most fun and
exciting girl. but i know that no matter how hard and
long you look, you'll never find somebody that loves you
like i do.
I got a couple dents in my fender, I got a couple rips in my jeans.
I try to fit the pieces together, but perfection is my enemy. I'm free to be me
Every girl wants to hear her guy say, "The next girl I’ll ever love will be our daughter."
The best part of having a relationship is getting to call the person or lay down
next to them and tell them all the crazy things that happened to you all day long.
And in the end that’s what it’s about. It’s not about the sex,
it’s not about the money that they give you or whatever.
It’s not about how good-looking they are, it’s about, can they listen to you talk for hours and
hours and hours about stupid shit that doesn’t matter. And if they can, then you’re meant to be together forever.
Even if that means you have to call them 100 times, that’s okay.
To the girl who will replace me,
There are just a couple of things that I thought I should tell you. I learned these while I was the object of your guy's affection. First of all, don't be frightened if he smothers much more love on you than you had expected. Don't be surprised if he treats you much better than any other guy you have ever met. And don’t let it scare you that he will actually listen carefully to every word you say, even when you're just speaking quietly. Also, you should know that he remembers everything you will say. He's hurt easily, especially by the painful words a careless girl will say. If you do hurt him, then you'll have to pay the price of seeing the broken look in his passionate and deep brown eyes, and watch the light in them fade. But if this happens, all is not lost- a kiss and an "I love you" can heal anything. And please, don’t say I love you to him, unless you really mean it, nothing hurts him more then someone who really doesn’t care. Sometimes, he won't tell you what he is feeling, but... just know that he is protecting you and if you ever feel that something isn't right, just look into his beautiful brown eyes and you will be able to see into him. You can see everything he is feeling, everything he is thinking, everything that isn't right with him... He won't ever try to hurt you, because he just isn't that way, so please don't hurt him because if you do, I don't think I could ever forgive you. I don't think there could ever be a worse feeling in the world than knowing that you have the boy that I love and knowing that you hurt him. You should know that if you two ever get into a fight, just make sure you pick only the ones worth fighting for... He will almost always keep his temper and will never curse at you or call you names, despite the anger he may be feeling. I can only recall one time. Though he may act mature, most of the time, once he's given you his heart, he will begin to open up to you and his silliness will make your heart smile, in a way that words can not explain. Don't hold a tight grip on him, let him go and be part of the world and experience new things. You will find that he is a busy guy and that he is so very independent. Sometimes, he will need his space, but don't worry... He'll always make time for you and even when you're not around, you'll be in his thoughts. You will find that he isn't like any other guy that you have met, so please don't take him for granite. Remember, He likes blue, he loves his mother and his sister and holds them very dearly, pancakes over toast, sweats over denim, dogs over cats, and even though he won't admit it, he really does like to be surprised. He is less tough than he may appear, you just have to take the time and let him bring down his guard... He is so sweet and so amazing and know that if you ever leave him, you will break his heart apart, the same way that my heart breaks apart, as I sit here writing this to you. Don't ever try to pull him away from his dreams. He is going to be an extremely successful music composer and won't ever let you give up on your dreams, either. He will encourage you to become everything you can be and will never, ever let you down. He likes it when you kiss his ears and nothing is better than holding each other. Just watch how your hand will fit perfectly into his and when it does, it seems as if nothing in the world could hurt you, because he is there. And when he puts his arms around you and tells you that you are the girl he loves, you will know, there isn't any guy in the world better than him... Don't ever let him go. You will regret doing so, for the rest of time... I promise, you will.
Yours truly,
The last one
Right now, at this very moment, all I want to do is sit across from you and talk about life and when we run out of topics, we could just hold hands because that would be enough. But you're not here and we can't talk face to face because miles separate us. Well I can smell these flowers you sent, or look at pictures from before, but I can't wrap my arms around a moment in time. So I sit and think of what we will do when I finally see you again. All I really want to do is enjoy each others company and maybe watch a movie or two about falling in love and growing old together. And maybe you and I could fall in love and grow old together, too.
‎I guess you can say I'm complicated, but I'd rather be difficult than easy any day.
I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you said, the way you looked. The things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared. And when I dream, I’ll dream of you. Because it’s about you, it’s always about you.
you cannot hold onto anything that wants to go.
do you understand what i'm saying? you just
got to love it while you got it, and that's that.
you complete me. Really, you do. You can make me smile
even when I’m in my worst mood. It’s only in your arms that
I forget all my troubles and I have complete happiness. And
you’re the only one who can fill that gap in my heart, the
space that has come to know you… that place that knows you’re
the only one for me, that gap that will accept no one but you.
don’t just want your heart. i want your flesh, your skin
and blood and bones, your voice, your thoughts, your
pulse and most of all your fingerprints, everywhere.
i was given 5 fingers for a reason. my pinky is for my
best friends and our promises that will never be broken,
my ring finger is for marriage and for proof that we’ll be
together forever, my middle finger is for that person that
pushes me too far and to show them how i feel, my pointer
finger is to silence them, to savor the moment, my thumb is
for everyone, to let them know that i’m going to be okay.
the summer of being 16 was thought to be amazing.
but really, it was the summer we grew up.
it was the summer we figured out this wasn't
just meant to be. it's the summer that changes us all.
if you run, make sure you're running
towards something and not away from it
he promised her that he would love her forever,
that he would never look at another girl that way,
that he would treat her as if she were gold, that
they'd live in a big house on a hill, overlooking the
valley, he promised that he'd never leave her
&& he's stuck to his promise.
Damaged people are dangerous,because they know they can survive.
When you smiled you had my undivided attention.
When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you.
When you cried you had my urge to hold you.
When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever

Your past is just a story, and once you realize this, it has no power over you.
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
love is hard to explain, but more something that you feel inside.
it’s someone you can feel so passionately about whether they are
next to you or two hours away. it’s about the silly moments that you
always remember, but also the serious late night talks. but most of all,
love is about finding the person that you want to spend your life with. I
think you’ve found true love, when you know that you want to take his
last name as yours. when you’ve found your happily ever after.
bottom line: couples who are truly right for each other,
wade through the same crap as everybody else.
but the big difference is they don't let it take them down.
some people meet the way the sky meets the Earth…
inevitable, and there is no stopping or holding back their love.
it exists in a finished world, beyond the reach of common sense.
bad stuff does happen sometimes… always remember that.
but remember that you have to move on somehow.
you just pick up your head and stare at something beautiful,
like the sky, or the ocean, and you’ll move the hell on.
we stopped checking for monsters under our beds
because we realized they were inside us.
the “perfect” time never arrives.
you’re always too young or old or busy or broke or something else.
if you constantly fret about timing things perfectly,
they’ll never happen.
stop the habit of  wishful thinking,
and start the habit of thoughtful wishes.
Your clothes should be tight enough to show you're a woman, but loose enough to show you're a lady
some things don't last forever, but some do.
like a good song, a good book, or a good
memory that you can take out and unfold in
your darkest times, pressing down the corners
and peering close, hoping that you still do
recognize the person that you see there.
we wonder why black and white photos capture our soul.
 I think it's because without color,
we aren't drawn to the makeup and color of our eyes,
or our hair,
or how tan our skin is.
 black and white captures the innocence on one's face
 and the hurt they've gone through to feel vulnerability.
the glow we see comes from inside,
brightening our eyes,
 our skin, and our smile.
it grabs the truth that liberates us.

If you are going to fall in love with me, it’s
only fair that you know what you are falling in
love with. You are falling in love with my
insecurities, and my obsession with trying to
figure out what everyone thinks of me. You are
falling in love with my immaturity, my constant
need to feel loved and appreciated, my overactive
tear ducts, my internet obsession, my tendency to
be too clingy. You fall in love with my troubled
past, and my hopes and dreams, and how I’m a
hopeless romantic at heart. If you fall in love
with me, you fall in love with my self-hate and
all my imperfections and my perception that
nobody could ever love me. But, you are also
falling in love with the way my eyes will smile
when I’m with you, the way I’ll text you in the
mornings just telling you I hope you have a great
day. You’re falling in love with the occasionally
humorous and/or thought-provoking things I say,
and the way I blush when people ask me about you.
But to me, the most important thing will be that
you are falling in love with me, despite my
thinking that it is impossible.
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.